Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bearded Dreadlock----The mission starts on the way to the mission field!

Minneapolis to Amsterdam-As I sat on the plane waiting for others to board the aircraft, I allowed myself to become a little excited. I heard some other passengers saying that the flight was not full, and thought surely the boarding process was almost over, I was already staking out other pillows and blankets I would use to make a nice bed for myself----The seat next to me was still empty!

Then down the long aisle I saw a tall slender gentle man approaching. He was dressed like a hippie; green hippie shirt, purple hippie pants, orange hippie bag, ---with dreadlocks in his hair and in his beard. His dreadlocked beard hung down to his chin.

He passed several seats. Seats that were empty.

He was heading towards me…yes he was in my row…yes we would have to talk. I asked him where he was going. “To visit my lover,” he said smiling. “Oh, nice,” I said. He was headed to Norway. He had a nice smile. He smelled like incense,--- but it wasn’t too strong.

He asked where I was headed. I explained that I was going to do mission work in Kenya, to work at a school. “Oh, so are you a Christian?” he asked. “Yes,” I said. And so began a lengthy spiritual conversation. He explained that he met his girlfriend in Portland while she was visiting from Norway, and that they had really been able to cultivate and grow their long distance relationship through meditation! Huh, interesting!

He believed in every religion and in everything. He was “born again” at age 14. He said he and his mom were saved at the same time!?! I wondered when he began to walk away from the Lord, or the condition of the soil of his teenager soul when he was “born again”. We talked about Jesus being the only way to heaven. We discussed that one day we would all have to give an account for everything we have done on earth and that only Christ’s blood can cover the terrible things we have done. He didn’t believe in hell. We talked about real evil in the world and the awful things people do. He listened.

He showed me some of his tattoos. We admired the full moon out of the airplane portal, beautiful handy work of God Almighty we both agreed.

I knew out of all the people on the plane he had to sit with me. The Lord wanted it that way. His name was Jonathan.

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